Unveiling the Mystery: Brake Lockout Issue in Push-to-Start Cars

push to start car won't start brake locked

Your Push-to-Start Car Won't Start and the Brake Is Locked. What Now?

Imagine this: You're running late for work, you jump into your car, press the start button, and…nothing happens. The brake pedal is locked, and you're stuck. Don't panic! There are a few things you can do to get your car started and get on your way.

Possible Causes and Solutions for Push-to-Start Car Not Starting with Brake Locked

There are several reasons why your push-to-start car won't start and the brake is locked. Some common causes include:

  • Dead battery: If your car's battery is dead, it won't have the power to start the engine. Try jump-starting your car with another vehicle.

  • Faulty brake pedal switch: The brake pedal switch tells the car that the brake pedal is being pressed. If the switch is faulty, the car won't start. Try pressing the brake pedal several times to see if that releases the lock.

  • Faulty ignition switch: The ignition switch turns on the power to the car's electrical system. If the switch is faulty, the car won't start. Try turning the ignition switch to the "on" position and then back to the "off" position several times to see if that resets the switch.

  • Transmission problems: If the car is in the wrong gear, it won't start. Try shifting the car into neutral and then trying to start it.

  • Security system issues: If the car's security system is activated, it can prevent the car from starting. Try deactivating the security system and then trying to start the car.

Additional Tips for Troubleshooting Push-to-Start Car Issues

If you've tried all of the above and your car still won't start, there are a few additional things you can try:

  • Check the car's fuses and relays. A blown fuse or relay can prevent the car from starting.
  • Inspect the wiring harness for any loose or damaged wires.
  • Clean the battery terminals. Dirt and corrosion on the battery terminals can prevent the battery from providing enough power to start the car.
  • Have the car towed to a mechanic for further diagnosis.


If your push-to-start car won't start and the brake is locked, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the problem. By following the steps in this article, you can often get your car started and on your way. However, if you're not comfortable working on your own car, it's always best to have it towed to a mechanic for diagnosis and repair.

Push to Start Car Won't Start, Brake Locked: Unraveling the Causes and Solutions


In the realm of modern automobiles, push-to-start cars have gained immense popularity for their convenience and keyless ignition systems. However, these vehicles are not immune to occasional glitches and malfunctions, one of which is the puzzling scenario where the car won't start, accompanied by a locked brake pedal. This situation can be disconcerting, leaving drivers stranded and wondering what went wrong. Embark on a journey to unravel the potential causes behind this issue and explore effective solutions to get your car back on the road.

Push to Start Car Not Starting

Myriad Reasons Behind the Dilemma

  1. Battery Woes:
  • A weak or dead battery can impede the electrical systems, preventing the car from starting.
  • Corroded or loose battery terminals can also disrupt the flow of electricity.

Battery Issues Push to Start Car

  1. Faulty Starter System:
  • A malfunctioning starter motor or solenoid can hinder the engine's ability to crank.
  • Worn-out starter components, such as the relay or wiring, may also be the culprits.

Faulty Starter System Push to Start Car

  1. Brake Pedal Sensor Malfunction:
  • A faulty brake pedal sensor can prevent the car from starting, even if the brake pedal is depressed.
  • This sensor is responsible for sending signals to the car's computer, indicating that the brake pedal is engaged.

Brake Pedal Sensor Malfunction Push to Start Car

  1. Impaired Ignition Switch:
  • A defective ignition switch may hinder the electrical connection needed for the car to start.
  • This switch is typically located in the steering column and controls the flow of electricity to the starter system.

Impaired Ignition Switch Push to Start Car

  1. Transmission Issues:
  • Problems with the transmission, such as a faulty neutral safety switch, can prevent the car from starting in the "Park" position.
  • This switch ensures that the car is in the proper gear before allowing the engine to start.

Transmission Issues Push to Start Car

  1. Battery Inspection and Revival:
  • Check the battery terminals for corrosion or loose connections. Clean and tighten them as needed.
  • Jump-start the car using another vehicle or a portable jump-starter. If the car starts, consider replacing the battery.

Battery Inspection and Revival Push to Start Car

  1. Starter System Scrutiny:
  • Inspect the starter motor, solenoid, wiring, and relay for signs of damage or wear.
  • Replace any faulty components as necessary.

Starter System Scrutiny Push to Start Car

  1. Brake Pedal Sensor Diagnosis:
  • Test the brake pedal sensor using a multimeter to check for continuity.
  • Replace the sensor if it's found to be faulty.

Brake Pedal Sensor Diagnosis Push to Start Car

  1. Ignition Switch Examination:
  • Inspect the ignition switch for signs of damage or wear.
  • Replace the switch if necessary.

Ignition Switch Examination Push to Start Car

  1. Transmission Check-Up:
  • Verify that the transmission is in the "Park" position.
  • If the problem persists, have a mechanic inspect the neutral safety switch and other transmission components.

Transmission Check-Up Push to Start Car

Conclusion: Regaining Automotive Harmony

When your push-to-start car refuses to start, accompanied by a locked brake pedal, it's crucial to approach the situation with a systematic and methodical approach. By pinpointing the underlying cause, whether it's a battery issue, starter system malfunction, brake pedal sensor problem, faulty ignition switch, or transmission hitch, you can effectively resolve the issue and restore your car's functionality. Remember, if the problem persists or seems beyond your expertise, don't hesitate to seek professional assistance from a qualified mechanic.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Q: Can a weak battery cause my push-to-start car not to start?

    A: Yes, a weak or dead battery can prevent the electrical systems from functioning properly, hindering the car's ability to start.

  1. Q: How can I tell if my starter system is faulty?

    A: Look for signs of damage or wear on the starter motor, solenoid, wiring, or relay. You may also hear unusual noises when trying to start the car.

  1. Q: What does a faulty brake pedal sensor do?

    A: A malfunctioning brake pedal sensor can prevent the car from starting, even if the brake pedal is depressed. This sensor is responsible for sending signals to the car's computer, indicating that the brake pedal is engaged.

  1. Q: Can a worn-out ignition switch affect my car's starting ability?

    A: Yes, a defective ignition switch can disrupt the electrical connection needed for the car to start. This switch typically resides in the steering column and controls the flow of electricity to the starter system.

  1. Q: What transmission problems can prevent my push-to-start car from starting?

    A: Issues such as a faulty neutral safety switch or other transmission problems can impede the car from starting in the "Park" position.

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